1. wedding license  2 weeks before wedding
2.  make sure I have all directions to where I am going to and time to be there always send the minister an invitation to your wedding :)
3. make sure all your clothes are ready to go and on dressed for wedding on time
4. sobriety is a good thing to be at your wedding
5. the marriage License is always signed before the wedding  to ensure I have the bride and grooms  attention make sure your photographer knows this too
6. the Bride and groom MUST have two witnesses you must provide your own  people ,hopefully people you know , BUT if you don't .. no matter .
7. always pay your minister up front .. she gets grumpy  and needs to make a living too
8 you decide if you want your own wedding vows or not otherwise you get what the good Reverand deems appropriate for that day . Usually your generic death do you parts is it :)
9. soul mates ? Good write your own . I stand there and smile . I still get the same price either way . But I love you either way :)
10. Soul Mates ? I still have to sign that legal document because you decided to get married so yes I am worth it :)
11. be ready , be very nice to each other say I love you all the time and give her whatevah she wants and there will be showers of good things always
12. Final words

Peace and Love *******~```~~~~````Sister Shawny ~~~~``````~~~  Dance ****** !